Aug 24, 2009


rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis) is my favarit hereb.

the fregrance make us more concentrate and more inprove.

and it cure pain of muscle on neck, back and shoulder.

the Japanese's mene 'MANNENRO' means EVERLASTHING YOUNG

then it has populared as anti-ageing herb in Japan.

Aug 22, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

I'm Pigmon, a maridge woman,have two children,live in Japan.
I work in office on Monday,Tuseday,Thirsday and Friday.
On Wenesday and Saturday,I am an aromatherapist.
On Saturday,Iam a teacher of phytotherapy.
I have a qualification of Aromatherapist and Aromatherapy Instructor.
I 'm a member of AEAJ Aroma Enviroment Association of Japan.